Microstructure characterizations and standards II

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 3:45 PM-5:15 PM
Carlsbad A&B (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Dr. Harshad M. Paranjape, Confluent Medical Technologies, Inc. and Dr. Behnam Amin-Ahmadi, Confluent Medical Technologies, Inc.
3:45 PM
Comparison of various preparation methods of binary NiTi-shape memory alloys
Mr. Christopher Holm, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Ms. Nefeli Klonis, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Dr. Romina Krieg, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Dr. Ralf Theiß, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Dr. Peter Dültgen, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.
4:00 PM
Vacuum Induction Melting of Low Inclusion Nitinol Ingots
Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Christian Grossmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. André Kortmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Ulrich Muerrle, Ingpuls GmbH
4:15 PM
Microstructure characterizations of NiTi containing non-metallic inclusions and hydrogen: implications to the self-expandable stents
Dr. Fan SUN, Chimie-Paristech, ENSCP, PSL Univ.; Prof. Laurence Jordan, Université de Paris; Dr. Virginie Lair, Chimie-Paristech, ENSCP, PSL Univ.; Prof. Armelle Ringuede, Chimie-Paristech, ENSCP, PSL Univ.; Dr. Frantz Martin, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA; Prof. Frederic Prima, Chimie-Paristech, ENSCP, PSL Univ.
4:30 PM
Determination of the Mechanical Properties of NiTi + Ni4Ti3 and Ni3Ti in Hardened 60NiTi Using Nanoindentation
Mr. Charles Richey Miller, University of Arkansas; Dr. Christopher Dellacorte, NASA Glenn Research Center; Dr. Min Zou, University of Arkansas
4:45 PM
An Overview of ASTM Standard Test Methods for Shape Memory Alloy Actuation Materials
Dr. Douglas E Nicholson, The Boeing Company; Mr. James H. Mabe, The Boeing Company; Dr. Othmane Benafan, NASA Glenn Research Center; Mr. Glen S Bigelow, NASA Glenn Research Center; Mr. Frank Sczerzenie, SAES Smart Materials; Mr. Drew J Forbes, Fort Wayne Metals; Mr. Brian Van Doren, ATI Specialty Alloys and Components; Mr. Alexander Demblon, Texas A&M University; Dr. Ibrahim Karaman, Texas A&M University
5:00 PM
Effects of texture and grain size on fatigue crack growth in NiTi
Prof. William LePage, University of Tulsa, University of Michigan; Prof. John A. Shaw, University of Michigan; Prof. Samantha Daly, UCSB, University of Michigan
See more of: Technical Program