Novel Shape Memory Alloy Development I

Wednesday, May 8, 2024: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Meeting Room II (Hotel Cascais Miragem)
Dr. Othmane Benafan, NASA Glenn Research Center
9:00 AM
New Cu-based shape memory alloy family transforming at ultra-low temperatures for cryogenic applications
Prof. José M. San Juan, University of the Basque Country; Dr. Patricia Lorenzo, University of the Basque Country; Prof. Maria L. Nó, University of the Basque Country
9:15 AM
Shape memory effect at low temperatures in Cu-Al-Mn alloys
Prof. Toshihiro Omori, Ph.D., Tohoku University; Mr. Shunsuke Sato, Tohoku University; Dr. Sheng Xu, Tohoku University; Prof. Xiao Xu, Tohoku University; Prof. Ryosuke Kainuma, Tohoku University
9:30 AM
Orientation Dependence of Mechanical Properties in Single Crystal Cu-Al-Mn Superelastic Alloy
Dr. Sumio Kise, Furukawa Techno Material Co., Ltd; Prof. Yoshikazu Araki, Ph.D., Nagoya University; Prof. Toshihiro Omori, Ph.D., Tohoku University
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