Processing and tailoring of SMAs I

Tuesday, May 7, 2024: 2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Meeting Room I (Hotel Cascais Miragem)
Dr. Jeremy E. Schaffer, Fort Wayne Metals and Prof. Jan Frenzel
2:00 PM
Reduction of Mechanical Anisotropy in Nitinol Thin Sheets
Dr. Weimin Yin, Resonetics; Rich Lafond, Resonetics
2:15 PM
Fatigue Life Control of Nitinol Flat Continuous Rolled Sheets with Staple Shaped Samples
Mr. Andreas Keck, G.RAU GmbH & Co. KG; Mrs. Katarzyna Plaskonka-Weisenburger, G.RAU GmbH & Co. KG; Mr. Alan R. Pelton, G.RAU Inc.; Mr. Sean M. Pelton, G.RAU Inc.; Dr. Srinidhi Nagaraja, G.RAU Inc.; Dr. Maximilien Launey, G.RAU Inc.; Dr. Jochen Ulmer, EUROFLEX GmbH; Dr. Svetlana Ortmann-Ishkina, G.RAU GmbH & Co. KG
2:30 PM
Laser Welding of NiTi Shape Memory Wires and Printed Circuit Boards with High Repetition Nanosecond Lasers
Mr. Marvin Schuleit, Ruhr University Bochum; Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls GmbH; Prof. Cemal Esen, Ruhr University Bochum; Prof. Andreas Ostendorf, Ruhr University Bochum
2:45 PM
Are Modern “Cold” Femto Laser-Cut Components Truly HAZ-Free?
Dr. Scott Robertson, Ph.D., Resonetics; Dr. Andrew Pequegnat, Memry Corporation; Mr. Jake Clever, Resonetics; Mr. Nick Moura, Memry Corporation; Dr. Louis G Malito, Exponent, Inc.; Dr. Behrouz Haghgouyan, Texas A&M University, Exponent, Inc.; Dr. Paul Briant, Ph.D., P.E., Exponent, Inc.; Dr. Tom Duerig, Starlight Cardiovascular
3:00 PM
Heat treatment study and properties of quaternary SMA spring actuators
Dr. André Kortmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Christian Grossmann, Ingpuls GmbH
See more of: Technical Program