Plenary: Kaushik Bhattacharya, Caltech
8:10 - 8:50 a.m.: Plenary Session: Kaushik Bhattacharya, Caltech
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Caltech
“A Complete Thermo-Mechanical Model for Shape-Memory Alloys”
Aaron Stebner, Tim Voss, Zach Brunson, Harshad Paranjape, Alex Kelly, Ryan Buesseler, Kaushik Bhattacharya
The growing complexity of shape-memory alloy devices calls for a high fidelity material model that can be used for the design of such devices. Such a model should address all aspects of SMA behavior including the shape-memory effect, super-elasticity as well as permanent plastic deformation in a range of thermal and mechanical loading histories, including cyclic histories. Further, such a model should be amenable to use in standard commercial finite element packages. This talk will describe such a model. A salient aspect of the model is that it is formulated at the application scale, but implicitly incorporates the microscopic and microstructural physics using an internal variable thermodynamic framework. The talk will provide the background and insights that led to the model, an experimental approach that can be used to calibrate the model, describe its implementation in commercial finite element packages, and demonstrate its ability through selected examples.