Increase target utilization and lengthen campaign runs with a pulsed dual-magnetron sputtering system

Wednesday, May 3, 2017: 1:10 PM
Exhibit Hall (Rhode Island Convention Center)
Doug Pelleymounter , Advanced Energy, Fort Collins, CO
Reducing material waste and extending campaign length are two sure ways to increase profitability on a metallic sputtering line. However, frequent and severe arcing often renders targets useless before they are fully utilized—particularly targets with low melting points. As a result, the campaign must be cut short even though 5 mm or more of material remains on the spool. This presentation from the world leader in precision power conversion illustrates how process engineers have utilized tin target material down to a thickness of just 2 mm with the Ascent® AMS/DMS pulsed, dual-magnetron sputtering system. This power solution offers significant cost savings through material reclamation and longer production runs.