Possible Use of Anomalous Mass Transfer in Thermomechanical Processing

Thursday, June 7, 2018: 12:00 PM
Heritage ABC (Spartanburg Marriott)
Dr. Roman Mezhvinsky , Mason, OH
Phenomenon of anomalous mass transfer (AMT) in solid metallic systems is the interpenetration of atoms of any size (both intrinsic and impurity ones) from the layer of the diffusant (solute) deposited on the sample (solvent) or from another sample of the same or different chemical composition from the surface of the pulse action (for example, impact compression) to depth up to hundreds of microns for an insignificantly short time. AMT can change dislocation structure or phase structure of real parts, made from metals and alloys, therefore it can be a tool of the metallurgist, creating processes and technologies of thermo-chemo-mechanical treatment.