GEN-32.3 Further Characterization of a Materials Processing Laser

Wednesday, June 6, 2012: 2:45 PM
Cyperus 2 & 3 (Hilton Chicago/Indian Lakes Resort)
Dr. Thomas Lienert , Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos , NM
M.S. Piltch , Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
J.O. Sutton , Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
P. Burgardt , Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM
     Characterization of the performance and stability is essential for lasers used for materials processing. The objective of this presentation will be to provide an update on recent characterization efforts of a laser. Power stability results indicated that the average power varied by no more than ± 0.25 W at higher powers (45 to 60 W) and much less at lower powers (10 W). Total power loss through the beam delivery system ranged up to approximately 11% at higher power levels with the greatest losses occurring through the collimator and lens assembly. Beam profiling using a modified Kapton film technique indicated a focused beam radius determined for the 120 mm focus lens of 0.0073”. Asymmetric caustic profiles suggest the presence of comatic aberration. The coma aberration was confirmed using a LBS-300 beam profiler (Ophir-Spiricon). Comparisons of the profiles taken using the Kapton and profiler techniques will be discussed.