GEN-8 Session 8 - Residual Stress II

Monday, June 4, 2012: 2:00 PM-4:45 PM
Cyperus 1 (Hilton Chicago/Indian Lakes Resort)
Session Chair:
Prof. Philip J. Withers
2:00 PM
Advances in Measurement and Treatment of Residual Stresses
Prof. David J. Smith, University of Bristol
2:25 PM
X-Ray Residual Stress Measurements Correlated with Weld Microstructure Characteristics
Prof. Masahito Mochizuki, Osaka University; Tadafumi Hashimoto, Osaka University; Shigetaka Okano, Osaka University
3:05 PM
3:25 PM
Prediction of Welding Distortions in a Complex Structure Using Finite Element Modeling: Experimental Validation
Dr. Maria San Sebastian, LORTEK; Mr. Aritz Mendizabal, LORTEK; Alberto Echeverría, LORTEK
3:45 PM
Fundamental Study of Buckling Caused by Welding Using the Inherent Deformation Method
Mr. Jiangchao Wang, Osaka University; Hidekazu Murakawa, Osaka University
4:05 PM
Refining Welding Modelling for Prediction of Distortion Incorporating Mechanical Effects of Annealing
Mr. Aritz Mendizabal, LORTEK; Maria San Sebastian, LORTEK; Alberto Echeverria, LORTEK
4:25 PM
The Effect of Martensite Phase Transformation on Weld Residual Stress Distribution in High-Strength Steels – A Computational Study
Mr. Dongxiao Qiao, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Wei Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Zhenzhen Yu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Wenkao Hou, ArcelorMittal; Dr. Benda Yan, ArcelorMittal; Dr. Stan A. David, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Zhili Feng, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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