GEN-37 Session 37 - Other Experimental and Modeling I

Thursday, June 7, 2012: 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Cyperus 1 (Hilton Chicago/Indian Lakes Resort)
Session Chair:
Dr. Richard M. Martukanitz
9:00 AM
Prediction of the Thermal Cycles in Dry Hyperbaric GMA Welding Using Partial Differential Heat Transfer Equations
Mr. Amin S. Azar, NTNU; Mr. Hans Fostervoll, SINTEF; Dr. Odd M. Akselsen, SINTEF
9:20 AM
General Aspects of a Methodology for Inverse Thermal Analysis of Drop-by-Drop Liquid-Metal Deposition
Dr. Khershed P. Cooper, Naval Research Laboratory; Andrew Shabaev, Naval Research Laboratory; Dr. Samuel Lambrakos, Naval Research Laboratory
9:40 AM
Modeling of Moving Heat Sources Using Meshless Element Free Galerkin Method
Prof. Xuan-Tan Pham, Ecole de Technologie Superieure; Guillaume Pradinc, Ecole de Technologie Superieure; Dr. Xinjin Cao, NRC Institute for Aerospace Research; Prof. Jean-Luc Fihey, Ecole de Technologie Superieure
10:00 AM
Experimental and Computational Feasibility Study of a Non-Contact Temperature Measurement Method for TIG Welding
Mr. Debamoy Sen, Virginia Tech; Dr. Kenneth S. Ball, Virginia Tech; Dr. Mark A. Pierson, Virginia Tech; Mr. William N. Pollard Jr., Virginia Tech
10:20 AM
Determination of Thermal Contact Conductance of Metal Tabs for Battery Ultrasonic Welding Process
Dr. Jian Chen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Wei Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Zhenzhen Yu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Wenjia cai, General Motor R&D; Zhili Feng, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10:40 AM
Overcoming Physical Limits for High Speed GMAW on Thin Sheets
Dr. Jean-Pierre Planckaert, AIR LIQUIDE
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