Thursday, 3 April 2003

This presentation is part of : Poster Session 2

Gerontopsychological Study of Personality in Elderly Men

Floarea Revnic, N.I.G.G.”Ana Aslan”, Bucharest, Romania, Cristian Romeo Revnic, U.M.F.”Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania, and N. Teleki, National Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Bucharest, Romania.

The two priorities in approaching geronto-psychological study of personality are: the study of adaptation to the third age especially of life satisfaction and capitalization of personality features. These two aspects are related to level of aspiration. The relation aspiration-possibilities has a decisive role for the equilibrium of personality.

Design: The aim of this study was concerned with the relation level of aspiration-performance assessed by subscale ”Associated learning” of adapted Wechster Memory Test and a series of personality features some of which are self evaluated by ”Lavoegie Self Rating Scale and others by Eysenk Personality inventory and the role of these variabiles in differentiating the two groups of elderly men: A (57 active and B. 35 sedentary) admitted to a Rehabilitation Clinic for osteoarticular and postraumatic pathologies free of psychiatric disease. Group A has performed a 6 weeks physical training program which included 30 minutes every day a complex of movements, associated with weight biceps/triceps training and 10 minutes exercise at Ergometric bicycle. E.M.G. evaluation of muscle training has been done with E.M.G.Schwartzer-Picker 2000 and the level of HTSH, HGH and testosterone have been evaluated with 1234 DELFIA Spectropfluorimeter.

Our psychological data have been statistically processed using Significance test of the difference between means and median (“F” Kruscal-Walls and “U” Mann-Whitney); the correlation coeficient of sperman ranks; techniques of retrospective study (ODDS-Ratio,Mantel-Haenzel and Woold). Our data have pointed out that for the whole group of elderly patients (N=92) the results are placed at the limit between introversion and ambivalence, showing discrete neurotic tendencies. They overevaluate some personality features. The active group with physical training is differentiated from sedentary group by a higher level of aspiration, positively correlated with good performance and increased level of optimism and extroversion.

Results: Physical training improves the ability to make movements by a neurological mechanism of recruitment the small motor units, stimulating the secretion of HGH known as youth hormone with a postive influence upon personality.

Conclusion: Physical training represents an efficient adapting solution at the 3rd age and the level of aspiration, by its two components: self esteem and self involvment, a good predictor of personality and its adaptation, increasing optimism and the life expectancy.

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