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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 3:30 PM

Aluminum-Beryllium Alloys for Satellite Honeycomb Panel Applications

C. Pokross, Brush Wellman, Elmore, OH

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This paper will discuss the development and properties of AlBeMet™ 140 (40% Be-60% Al) thin gauge sheet, as a possible replacement for standard aluminum skin materials in satellite honeycomb panel applications. This new alloy has a density 0.082 lbs/in3 and a modulus of 23 Msi.

A typical spacecraft structure is assembled from several different types of honeycomb panels including Equipment Panels, Structural Panels and Solar Array Substrate Panels. Typical materials for these panels include 0.007" to 0.02" thick aluminum.

High stiffness combined with low density make AlBeMet� materials desirable in aerospace applications where weight savings is a premium. Direct substitution AlBeMet� 140 into an aluminum application can result in an18% reduction in weight. Substitution with a redesign based on stiffness considerations can result in weight savings as much as 40%.

This paper will review the characterization of sandwich test coupons fabricated from AlBeMet� 140 and aluminum-honeycomb core. Testing data will include four-point bending, flatwise tensile testing , CTE with embedded heat pipes and potted insert pullout testing. All coupons have been made with �flight like� standard vendor fabrication processes.