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Session 2: Satellite and Launch Vehicle Fabrication I
Location: Coral C (Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: Due to the high cost of access to space, lightweight materials and processing of these materials is critical for space structure applications. In addition, space structures must also be capable of withstanding launch loads and extreme thermal excursions. This session will highlight materials and processes for a variety of different space structures, from launch vehicles to large orbiting platforms to scientific satellites. Topics will include material properties at cryogenic temperatures on modified alloys for launch vehicle cryotanks, materials and processes for deployable, erectable, and fabricable structures on orbit, and emerging materials and manufacturing processes for satellite design and fabrication.

Session Chair:Karen M. B. Taminger NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA
1:30 PMCryogenic Mechanical Properties of a Sc-modified 7XXX Alloy Forging
2:00 PMCorrosion of Precipitation Hardening Grades of Stainless Steel on the International Space Station
2:30 PMFatigue Properties of a Super-High Strength Developmental Al-Zn-Mg-Sc Alloy for Use in Cryogenic Applications
3:00 PMBreak
3:30 PMAluminum-Beryllium Alloys for Satellite Honeycomb Panel Applications
4:00 PMStress Concentrations at the Fibre-Matrix Interface in Single Fibre Composites under a Dynamic Load