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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 2:00 PM

Software Tool for NDE Design and Probabilistic Component Life Management

E. A. Medina, Radiance Technologies, Inc., Dayton, OH; J. C. Aldrin, Computational Tools, Gurnee, IL; J. S. Knopp, US Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

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A strategy and software for integrating nondestructive evaluation design with probabilistic component life management have been developed. It utilizes probabilistic models of flaw distribution and growth, probability of detection models for non-destructive inspection (NDI) methods, models for component repair strategies, NDI design tools, and optimization algorithms to facilitate product life cycle design and optimization. The strategy enables the assessment and optimization of tradeoffs among alternative component life management strategies while considering multiple design, inspection, maintenance, damage tolerance, and life-extension design variables, objectives and constraints. A prototype software system has been developed, and case studies have been performed to demonstrate the capabilities of the strategy. The software integrates (1) models of the probabilistic risk assessment type, (2) design space exploration algorithms for parameter optimization, and (3) solution visualization and analysis methods, to address product service life and cost objectives. The strategy and software are capable of improving the state of the art in NDE design, health monitoring (HM) design, and component life management design by (1) enabling optimization of NDE and HM system development based on economic service life variables, (2) utilizing object-oriented building blocks for flexible model design, (3) enabling study and optimization of complex maintenance processes, (4) allowing optimization of overall economic service life cost, and (5) enabling improvements in reliability and reductions in development costs for NDE and HM systems by optimizing the design of these tools while reducing the use of expensive empirical studies. The presentation will describe the current status of the software, the results of case studies on problems of interest to the aircraft design and maintenance community, and the short term plans for development and implementation.

Significance: Economic service life management, nondestructive evaluation, and health management personnel will learn the value of this methodology for optimized design of inspection and component life management procedures.