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Session 4: Computational Methods and Sensor Networks
Location: Coral A (Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description:

Session Chair:Dr. Jeremy S. Knopp US Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
1:30 PMAn Element Free Galerkin Model for Simulating Magneto Optic Imaging
2:00 PMSoftware Tool for NDE Design and Probabilistic Component Life Management
2:30 PMConventional and Pulsed Eddy-Current Inspection Utilizing Hall-effect and Induction Coil Detectors
3:00 PMBreak
3:30 PMStructural Damage Detection and Localization Using Optimally Located Sensors and Actuators
4:00 PMOn-Board Electromagnetic Sensor Array Networks for Material Condition, Damage and Usage State Monitoring
4:30 PMEddy Current Modeling and Its Validation Against Real-World Ferrite Core Probes