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Wednesday, June 8, 2005 - 3:30 PM

Structural Damage Detection and Localization Using Optimally Located Sensors and Actuators

H. Rinehart, D. Parker, Miltec Research, Inc., Oxford, MS; W. G. Frazier, Radiance Technologies, Inc., Oxford, MS

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A model-based approach for locating sensors and actuators for structural damage detection and localization is presented. The approach is founded on the principles of finite-dimensional dynamical systems theory and makes extensive use of the input-output (transfer function) properties of these systems. These properties include extensions of the concepts of model reduction, controllability, observability, and their associated subspaces.

In the case of structural damage, one of the most common models employed is an elastic model derived from finite-element analysis. In this presentation, we will show how to use a finite-element model of the elastic behavior of a structure to select and position sensors (accelerometers and strain gauges) and actuators (shakers and piezo-electric devices) to maximize the sensitivity of a given signal processing strategy to detecting whether or not the structure’s dynamics have changed and where the damage is most likely to be. Application of the technique to computer simulations and laboratory experiments will also be presented.