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Tuesday, June 7, 2005 - 9:00 AM

Low Cost Titanium - A TIMET Perspective

S. Fox, TiMet Corporation, Henderson, NV

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Low Cost Titanium is a prerequisite for increased use of titanium in a number of major defense programs and in the commercial aerospace sector. Low cost titanium would also promote significant growth in the chemical process industry and oil and gas sector. Current titanium production based on Magnesium reduction and vacuum distillation is mature and further significant cost reduction is unlikely. Stimulated by interest from Department of Defense and the automotive industry in affordable titanium for high volume applications, the last five years has seen a rapid growth in the interest in novel extraction technology and efficient conversion technologies The paper will cover aspects of novel extraction technology development conducted under the DARPA Titanium Initiative, and the integration of the manufacturing chain with product and end user requirements.