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Session 1: Low Cost Titanium Reduction Processes
Location: Oceans Ballroom 1 (Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: This session covers the metallurgical aspects such as weld repair of castings, effects of discontinuities in laser additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V on the properties, effects of heat treatment and low cycle fatigue behavior of Ti-3Al-2.5V tubing. This will be a very interesting program covering a broad range of technology areas with state-of-the-art presentations on cost reduction strategies focused on low cost titanium. Advances in winning titanium from its ore, as well as new innovative manufacturing procedures provide significant cost reduction such as single melt products, cold spray and hybrid manufacturing techniques. There is a session devoted to modeling which covers aspects such as the evolution of the microstructure with thermomechanical processing and properties predictions. There are also several presentations on the effects of boron additive to titanium alloys, and discussions on metal matrix composites.

Session Chairs:Mr. Patrick Martin Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
Dr. Kuang O. Yu RMI Titanium Company, Niles, OH
8:30 AMA Low Cost Process to Produce Titanium from TiO2
9:00 AMLow Cost Titanium - A TIMET Perspective
9:30 AMDirect Electrochemical Production of Beta Titanium Alloys
10:00 AMBreak
10:30 AMDevelopment Status of the Armstrong Process for Production of Low Cost Titanium Powder
11:00 AMProduction of Ti by H2 Reduction of TiCl4: A Revised Thermochemical Model
11:30 AMThe Development of Plasma Transferred Arc Solid Free Form Fabrication as a Cost Effective Production Methodology for Titanium Components