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Tuesday, June 26, 2007 - 3:30 PM

Integration of a Texture-Modeling Package into DEFORM

M. G. Glavicic, Rolls-Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, IN; R. Goetz, Rolls-Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, OH; D. Barker, UES, Inc., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; D. Boyce, P. Dawson, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; W. T. Wu, Scientific Forming Technologies Corporation, Columbus, OH; S. L. Semiatin, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

The integration of a crystal-plasticity software package into finite-element-modeling (FEM) software to describe texture evolution during the thermomechanical processing of alpha/beta titanium alloys with an equiaxed-alpha microstructure will be summarized.  For this purpose, the Cornell University polycrystalline-plasticity material-point simulator (MPS) was coupled directly with DEFORMÔ. In addition, a series of user subroutines and graphical user interfaces (GUI’s) were developed as plug-ins into DEFORMÔ to take into account the partitioning of the imposed strain between the alpha- and beta-phases during hot working, to model and plot the evolution of the deformation texture of the alpha- and beta-phases, and to implement variant-selection rules that describe the formation of the secondary-alpha transformation texture from the beta phase during cooling.  

Summary: The integration of a crystal-plasticity software package into finite-element-modeling (FEM) software to describe texture evolution during the thermomechanical processing of alpha/beta titanium alloys with an equiaxed-alpha microstructure will be summarized. For this purpose, the Cornell University polycrystalline-plasticity material-point simulator (MPS) was coupled directly with DEFORM. In addition, a series of user subroutines and graphical user interfaces (GUI’s) were developed as plug-ins into DEFORM to take into account the partitioning of the imposed strain between the alpha- and beta-phases during hot working, to model and plot the evolution of the deformation texture of the alpha- and beta-phases, and to implement variant-selection rules that describe the formation of the secondary-alpha transformation texture from the beta phase during cooling.