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Session 2: Microstructure and Mechanical Property Modeling
Location: Room 349 (Baltimore Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: The prediction of microstructure and mechanical properties during the processing of engineering materials is allowing engineers to further optimize manufacturing methods and component designs. This session will include presentations regarding recent advances in the area of microstructure and mechanical property modeling.

Session Chair:Mr. Brian Tufts QuesTek Innovations LLC, Evanston, IL
1:30 PMA Modeling Tool for the Precipitation Simulation of Nickel Alloys
2:00 PMThe Variant Selection Process in an Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy
2:30 PMEmpirical vs. Mechanistic Microstructure and Precipitation Models in DEFORM
3:00 PMBreak
3:30 PMIntegration of a Texture-Modeling Package into DEFORM
4:00 PMProperty Prediction with Coupled Macro-Micromodeling and Computational Thermodynamics
4:30 PMModeling Stress Evolutions in Nanocrystalline Diamond Coating Tools During Machining
5:00 PMMean Stress Sensitivity of Ti-6Al-4V in High Cycle Fatigue