A Combinatorial Approach to the Understanding of Composition-Microstructure-Property Relationships in Ti Alloys

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: 9:30 AM
406 (Meydenbauer Center)
Prof. Peter C Collins , University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Mr. Peyman Samimi , Univeristy of North Texas, Denton, TX
Mr. Navin Singh , Univeristy of North Texas, Denton, TX
Ms. Chandana Avasarala , Univeristy of North Texas, Denton, TX
Mr. Ethan McMillan , Univeristy of North Texas, Denton, TX
The Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS™) approach, which uses powder precursors, may be exploited in a combinatorial fashion by using two powder feeders which may be independently controlled to affect the local composition. This approach has been applied to a series of binary Ti alloys. The study has involved a series of beta stabilizing elements including eutectoid forming elements (e.g. Ti-xCr and Ti-xMn) as well as monotectoid systems (e.g. Ti-xMo). This approach has enabled a systematic investigation of the influence of composition on the resulting microstructure and property. This allows not only for a reassessment of traditionally binary alloys, but also a rapid assessment of historically overlooked systems. Further, when coupled with direct aging studies, allows for the co-optimization of alloy and heat treatment to achieve desirable properties therefore exploitation of phase transformation.