Alloy Development and Microstructure Property Relationships - I

Wednesday, April 3, 2013: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
406 (Meydenbauer Center)
Mr. Rodney R. Boyer, Consultant
8:00 AM
Microstructural and Mechanical Property Development in Metastable Beta Titanium Alloys
Mr. Mark David Richardson, The University of Sheffield; Dr. Krzysztof Muszka, AGH University of Science and Technology; Dr. Nicholas G. Jones, The University of Cambridge; Prof. Brad Wynne, The University of Sheffield; Dr. Martin Jackson, The University of Sheffield
8:30 AM
Mechanical Properties of β-Annealed Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr: An Attempt to Define Critical Fracture Properties On the Basis of Microstructural Features
Dr. Roque Panza-Giosa, Collins Aerospace, United Technologies Corporation (UTC); Dr. David Embury, McMaster University; Prof. Zhirui Wang, University of Toronto; Dr. Xiang Wang, McMaster University; Jun Huang, University of Toronto
9:00 AM
Mechanical Properties of Solution Treated and Aged Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr: An Attempt to Define Critical Fracture Properties On the Basis of Microstructural Features
Dr. Roque Panza-Giosa, Collins Aerospace, United Technologies Corporation (UTC); Dr. David Embury, McMaster University; Prof. Zhirui Wang, University of Toronto; Dr. Xiang Wang, McMaster University
9:30 AM
A Combinatorial Approach to the Understanding of Composition-Microstructure-Property Relationships in Ti Alloys
Prof. Peter C Collins, University of North Texas; Mr. Peyman Samimi, Univeristy of North Texas; Mr. Navin Singh, Univeristy of North Texas; Ms. Chandana Avasarala, Univeristy of North Texas; Mr. Ethan McMillan, Univeristy of North Texas
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
An Integrated Approach to Determine a Phenomenological Equation to Predict Yield Strength in Titanium Alloys
Dr. Iman Ghamarian, University of North Texas; Mr. B. Welk, The Ohio State University; Dr. Santhosh K. Koduri, The Intel Corporation; Prof. Hamish L. Fraser, The Ohio State University; Prof. Peter C Collins, University of North Texas
11:00 AM
Resistance of Titanium Alloys to Hydraulic Fluids at Elevated Temperatures
Mr. John Fanning, TIMET-R&D; N/A Suresh Divi, TIMET-R&D
11:30 AM
Recent Developments in High-Strength Titanium Fasteners for Aerospace Applications
Dr. Gavin John Garside, ATI; Dr. Gregory E. Vignoul, ATI; Dr. John Foltz, ATI; Mr. Walter Vernitsky, ATI; Mr. Leonard Nowak, ATI; Mr. Corey Smith, ATI
12:00 PM
See more of: Titanium Alloys