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Session 19: High Energy Photonic Processing for Surface Modification
Location: Marco C (Orlando Airport Marriott)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description: This session will cover fundamentals and applications of lasers, ion beams, and plasmas for structural, chemical, and physical modifications at the surface and in the sub-surface regions of materials. Presentations will demonstrate that the near-atomic level precision afforded by these photonic tools can be effectively applied to large-sized applications, and may play a central role in the development of micro- and nano- meter materials and devices.

Editor:Prof. Narendra B. Dahotre University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Session Chairs:Prof. Narendra B. Dahotre University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Dr. Kumar Sridharan University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
1:30 PMInvited: Surface Engineering of Metal-Composite Materials Prepared with Laser Treatments
2:10 PMMicrostructure and Process Induced Residual Stresses of Laser Clad CPM-9V and CPM-10V Tool Steels
2:30 PMBreak
2:50 PMPlasma Modification of Rutile TiO2 for Improved Photoreactivity
3:10 PMMaterials Response to Intense Ion Beams:
3:30 PMPlasma-Based Materials Modification and Synthesis