"Furnace Atmosphere Troubleshooting; Oxidation of Stainless Steel Knife Blades"

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 11:10 AM
251B (COBO Center)
Mr. Richard F. Speaker , Air Liquide Industrial U.S. L.P., E. Norriton, PA

Richard F. Speaker

Air Liquide Industrial


Abstract : Trouble shooting ; Oxidation of Stainless Steel Knife Blades


Trouble shooting furnace atmosphere issues, such as oxidation, can be a challenging undertaking.  At times, conventional troubleshooting steps may not always work. This is especially true when precise atmospheric analysis is required.

This case study involved a manufacturing operation annealing Stainless Knife blades in a , continuous belt furnace. The plant’s engineering personnel attempted unsuccessfully to diagnose the discoloration issue using, albeit, sound engineering practices.  Unfortunately, the manufacturer did not possess the proper  analytical equipment, which turned out to be paramount in diagnosing the underlying cause of the oxidation.

This paper seeks to inform the reader about the problems that can occur while heat treating in atmosphere furnaces, and the various analytical equipment necessary to diagnose these problems effectively and efficiently, so as to avoid expensive rebuilds, excessive downtime resulting in lost productivity.

See more of: Applied Technology IB
See more of: Technical Program