Applied Technology IB

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
251B (COBO Center)
Session Chair:  Mr. Dave Haimbaugh, Induction Heat Treating, Crystal Lake, IL
10:30 AM
"Calculation software for GN and FNC"
Mr. Frank Theisen, Stange Elektronik GmbH
10:50 AM
Technology and Advancements in Analog and Digital Control
Mr. Steve Miller, Invensys Eurotherm
11:10 AM
"Furnace Atmosphere Troubleshooting; Oxidation of Stainless Steel Knife Blades"
Mr. Richard F. Speaker, Air Liquide Industrial U.S. L.P.
11:30 AM
“The 1:1 Rule for Quench Tanks: A Suboptimal and Misapplied Design Criterion”
Mr. William J. Bernard, III, Surface Combustion, Inc.
See more of: Technical Program