Residual Stress Distribution in Induction Hardened Gear

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 8:20 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Dr. Dmitry Ivanov , EFD Induction a.s, Skien, Norway
Mr. John Inge Asperheim , EFD Induction a.s, Skien, Norway
Mr. Leif Markegård , EFD Induction a.s, Skien, Norway
The development of residual stress in an induction hardened small spur gear is numerically simulated. A full scale 3D simulation is utilized to obtain the results, providing a possibility to evaluate the complete distribution of residual stress in the hardened component. Electromagnetic and thermal solutions under induction heating conditions are obtained with Cedrat Flux 3D, whereas EDF Code Aster software is used for thermal simulation during the quenching stage, phase transformation and stress-strain simulations. The simulated induction heating isotherms and distribution of residual stress are compared with experimental investigations done by Larregain et al. and Savaria et al.