Advances in Heat Treating I

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Session Chair:  Mr. Andrew L. Banka, Airflow Sciences Corporation, Livonia, MI
8:20 AM
Residual Stress Distribution in Induction Hardened Gear
Dr. Dmitry Ivanov, EFD Induction a.s; Mr. John Inge Asperheim, EFD Induction a.s; Mr. Leif Markegård, EFD Induction a.s
8:40 AM
"Laser heat treatment with latest system components"
Dr. Steffen Bonss, Fraunhofer IWS; Jan Hannweber, Fraunhofer IWS; Marko Seifert, Fraunhofer IWS; Prof. Eckhard Beyer, Technical University Dresden
9:00 AM
Behaviour of a Complex steel part during Hardening Heat Treatment
Mr. VISHAL R MARJE, Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India; Mr. SRIVATSA KULKARNI, Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India; Dr. G BALACHANDRAN, Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India; Mr. V Balasubramanian, Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India
9:20 AM
"The Effects of Tempering on the Structure of Martensite in 52100 Steel"
Mr. HAIXUAN YU, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
9:40 AM
Heat Treating 400-Series Stainless In Air Without Flaking
Dr. Susan J Kerber, Material Interface, Inc.
10:00 AM
See more of: Technical Program