Behaviour of a Complex steel part during Hardening Heat Treatment

Tuesday, October 20, 2015: 9:00 AM
251A (COBO Center)
Mr. VISHAL R MARJE , Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India, Pune, India
Mr. SRIVATSA KULKARNI , Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India, Pune, India
Dr. G BALACHANDRAN , Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India, Pune, India
Mr. V Balasubramanian , Kalyani Carpenter Special Steels Ltd., Pune, India, Pune, India
In the heat treatment of complex shaped low alloy steel component with varying sections has been studied in different conditions. The effect of cooling rate at every location has been predicted using FEM based simulation. The phase constitution at various locations and associated volume changes and associated distortion could be predicted. Experimental trial was carried out to evolve heat transfer coefficient using inverse technique for simulation. Prediction of distortion and phase constitution could be made and matched in the actual samples.