An enhancement to the low pressure carburizing simulation

Thursday, April 21, 2016: 11:30 AM
Ballroom B (Hyatt Regency Savannah)
Mr. Lei Zhang , Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA
An enhancement to the low pressure carburizing simulation

Lei Zhang, Richard D. Sisson, Jr

CarbTool has been an effective tool for the simulation of both gas and low pressure carburizing (LPC) processes by industry. However, in some cases the LPC model prediction does not agree very well with the experimental results.  The average carbon flux was initially used as the boundary condition which was calculated from experimental data. This boundary condition is modified to improve the LPC process simulation. An improvement using a carbon potential for LPC process is proposed. The thin foils from 9310/1018/820 alloy with thickness less than 0.005 inch will be fully carburized. Both carbon potential and mass transfer coefficient will be calculated. Data will be used to optimize the modeling of the CarbToolⒸ. Experimental verification will also be discussed.