Carburizing and Nitrocarburizing

Thursday, April 21, 2016: 10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Ballroom B (Hyatt Regency Savannah)
Chair:  Dr. Emilia Wolowiec-Korecka, Seco/Warwick, Swiebodzin, Poland
10:30 AM
Simulation of the effects of temperature and time on the tempering behavior of carburized steels
Mr. Yongjin Kim, Center for Heat Treating Excellence (CHTE); Ms. Xiaoqing Cai, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Mr. Haixuan Yu, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Mr. Lei Zhang, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
10:50 AM
Fluidized-bed carburizing in chemically active powders of C22 steel
Mr. Aleksander Ciski, Institute of Precision Mechanics; Prof. Tomasz Babul, Institute of Precision Mechanics; Konrad Lankiewicz, Institute of Precision Mechanics; Jana Niznanska, COMTES FHT; Pavel Suchmann, COMTES FHT
11:10 AM
An enhancement to the low pressure carburizing simulation
Mr. Lei Zhang, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
11:30 AM
11:50 AM
In-line, high-volume, low-distortion, precision case hardening for automotive, transmission and bearing industry
Dr. Maciej Korecki, Seco/Warwick; Dr. Emilia Wolowiec-Korecka, Lodz University of Technology
See more of: Technical Program