Characterization of Fused Deposition Modeling Ti-6Al-4V Pre/Post Sintering Using Microstructural Evaluation and Tensile and Fatigue Behavior Analysis
Characterization of Fused Deposition Modeling Ti-6Al-4V Pre/Post Sintering Using Microstructural Evaluation and Tensile and Fatigue Behavior Analysis
Monday, September 12, 2022: 10:50 AM
Convention Center: 262 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is a 3D printing process in additive manufacturing (AM) accomplished by a continuous thermoplastic filament fed into an extruder by driving gears which gets deposited on the bed plate by a nozzle resulting in a fabricated part that will get sintered and shrink. There are challenges with this process that needs attention, specifically, Ti-6Al-4V because of the recent development and use. Ti-6Al-4V, a highly used aerospace material, needs characterized help achieve better print quality ultimately allowing for a better final version of product and mechanical characteristics. FDM shows the capability of dramatically reducing the cost of production when compared to conventional manufacturing processes. Cost of a final part has the possibility of being reduced because of the rate at which the printer can extrude as well as the complex geometries it can create. Therefore, this creates a great opportunity for fabrication of aerospace small components that can be printed within a hobby-style printer.