The Campo del Cielo Meteorite: A Study of Structure and Phases Present in Samples of the Argentinian Meteorite, using SEM and Metallographic Techniques.
The Campo del Cielo Meteorite: A Study of Structure and Phases Present in Samples of the Argentinian Meteorite, using SEM and Metallographic Techniques.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022: 1:20 PM
Convention Center: 262 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Our investigation focuses on a small fragment of the famous meteorite, estimated to have weighed 100 tonnes before breaking up in Earth’s atmosphere. The Fe/Ni meteorite produced a crater field stretching over an area of about 3 x 18.5 kilometers, with smaller fragments extending over a much larger area. It is estimated that the event occurred between 2,200 and 2,700 BC. Discovery was first made in the 16th Century. Formation of the original asteroid is estimated to have taken place during the early development of our solar system, 4.5 billion years ago. This paper attempts to contribute to previous studies. In addition to the basic 92Fe/8Ni kamacite, the meteorite contains several other phases composed of Fe-Ni-P, Fe-S and Fe-Ni-Co. Other elements present include Ir, Ga and Ge, Cr and Ca, together with graphite and silicate inclusions. Modern metallographic and SEM techniques are employed to identify and illustrate presence and structure of selected phases containing elements within the composition of the meteorite sample.