Learn from the History of Success

Monday, September 12, 2022: 11:10 AM
Convention Center: 274 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Dr. David B Williams, PhD, ScD , The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
“The way of progress is neither swift nor easy” (Marie Curie); “Life is team sport” (Sue Enquist); “Choose your parents wisely” (Bertrand Russell); “Education drives out poverty” (Ben Franklin); “Dream no small dreams – they have no power to move minds” (Wolfgang Goethe); “Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it” (Salvador Dali); “Crystals are like people – it’s their defects that make them interesting” (Charles Frank); “Lost a lot of fights but it taught me how to lose ok” (Billy Joel); “Those who take no part in public affairs are good for nothing” (Thucydides); “Leave ‘em laughing when you go” (Joni Mitchell); “Plagiarize - but recognize” (Dave Williams)