Fatigue & Fracture II

Tuesday, September 13, 2022: 10:10 AM-11:50 AM
Convention Center: 261 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Mr. William Rossey, GE Aviation, Dr. Ty Porter, PhD, PE, Exponent, Mr. Ryan Haase, P.E., Materials Evaluation & Engineering, Inc., Dr. Eric Weishaupt, PhD, PE, Engineering Systems, Inc. and Ms. Emily Bardugon, Applied Technical Services
11:10 AM
Evaluation of a Fractured Gas Turbine Alloy 718 Rotor Bolt
Ms. Ewa Bobala, EB, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation
11:30 AM
HVAC Failures of Copper Exchange Units
Dr. FREDERICK SCHMIDT, FASM, PE, Advanced APPLIED Services Inc.; N/A BRIAN F. SCHMIDT, PI, Materials Engineering, INC
See more of: Failure Analysis