High throughput alloy design and development of AA6000’s series for automotive applications via Direct Laser Metal Deposition: A case study on AA6111
High throughput alloy design and development of AA6000’s series for automotive applications via Direct Laser Metal Deposition: A case study on AA6111
Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 9:20 AM
338 (Huntington Convention Center)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been utilized as a diverse tool in rapid prototyping, from printing complex geometries to repairing applications of metal components. Recently, AM has been explored as an alternative method for alloy development due to the inefficiency of conventional methods of the alloy development cycle. However, due to the rapid solidification caused in the AM process, challenges with achieving a defect-free deposition can be a drawback for fully utilizing AM in alloy development. These challenges can be magnified in some metal alloys, such as AA6000’s series, which are prone to defect formation due to their chemistry. This work presents a novel pathway for high-throughput alloy discovery, consisting of a systematic approach to alloy development and testing. This approach helps improve the efficiency of the cycle. This pathway can also be versatile in exploring existing or developing new alloys. We successfully fabricated defect-free components made of AA6111 by our custom-made AM set-up and established the composition-process-structure-property relationship. Furthermore, a benchmark study was conducted on AM-manufactured and conventionally manufactured Direct Chill (DC) Casting components in as-processed and wrought conditions, including microstructure investigation and mechanical properties evaluation. We have found, in wrought conditions, both AM and DC Cast materials showed similar responses in ductility and about a 5% difference in strength. On the other hand, in the as-cast and heat-treated (T6) condition, the AM material was about 67% more in ductility but 30% lower in strength compared to DC Cast. Hence, our work demonstrates the potential for high-throughput alloy discovery and advancement through this novel approach to Additive Manufacturing.