Novel Alloy Design Approaches for AM

Wednesday, October 18, 2023: 8:00 AM-9:40 AM
338 (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Haozhi Zhang, North Carolina State University
8:00 AM
A new CALPHAD-based finite element tool for Additive Manufacturing simulation
Mr. Paul Mason, FASM, Thermo-Calc Software Inc; Dr. Andreas Markstrom, Thermo-Calc Software AB; Dr. Amer Malik, Thermo-Calc Software AB; Dr. Quang Minh, Thermo-Calc Software AB; Dr. Johan Jeppsson, Thermo-Calc Software AB
8:40 AM
Alloy Design of Gamma/Gamma' Ni-base Superalloy for 3D printability
Mr. Mohammad T. Chowdhury, New Mexico Tech; Mr. Nathaniel Badgett, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Mr. John M. O'Connell, New Mexico Tech; Prof. Bhaskar Majumdar, New Mexico Tech
9:00 AM
A New Nickel-Free High Strength Austenitic Stainless Steel for AM Applications
Mr. Thomas Wingens, WINGENS LLC; Dr. Andreas Mohr, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Specialty Steel GmbH & Co. KG; Dr. Horst Hill, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke Specialty Steel GmbH & Co. KG
9:20 AM
High throughput alloy design and development of AA6000’s series for automotive applications via Direct Laser Metal Deposition: A case study on AA6111
Mr. Husam M Alrehaili, Wayne State University; Dr. Ajay Bhagavatam, Wayne State University; Dr. Xin Wu, Wayne State University; Dr. Yara Almubarak, Wayne State University
See more of: Additive Manufacturing