PSDK XVIII: Phase-Field Modeling

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
332 (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Kamalnath Kadirvel, CompuTherm LLC and Dr. Shuanglin Chen, CompuTherm, LLC
11:10 AM
A modeling framework for phase field simulation of multi-component alloys
Dr. Kamalnath Kadirvel, CompuTherm LLC; Dr. Weisheng Cao, CompuTherm LLC; Dr. Shuanglin Chen, CompuTherm LLC; Dr. Fan Zhang, CompuTherm, LLC, CompuTherm LLC
11:30 AM
Parametrizing phase field models for microstructure evolution: an integrated approach
Dr. W. Beck Andrews, University of Michigan; Shibo Tan, University of Michigan; Sahana Prabhu, University of Michigan; Prof. Wenhao Sun, University of Michigan; Prof. Katsuyo Thornton, University of Michigan