Mechanical Properties of Materials II

Tuesday, October 17, 2023: 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
333 (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Nilesh Kumar, Ph.D., The University of Alabama and Dr. Ramana Reddy, Ph.D, The University of Alabama
10:30 AM
Generalized Wear Resistance Assessment Criteria
Dr. C. Paul Qiao, L.E. Jones Company
10:50 AM
Effect of microstructural variations through the thickness on mechanical properties of an Nb-microalloyed thick gauge line pipe steel
Mr. AFM Monowar Hossain, University of Alabama; Dr. Nilesh Kumar, Ph.D., The University of Alabama
11:30 AM
Effect of strain rate on room temperature tensile properties of CuCrZr alloy
Mr. R. Samuel Meyer, BSBME, Weldaloy Metallurgical Laboratory, Care of Weldaloy Specialty Forgings; Mr. Nathan G Fleming, BSMSE, Weldaloy Metallurgical Laboratory, Care of Weldaloy Specialty Forgings; Dr. Ramachandra Canumalla, Weldaloy Metallurgical Laboratory, Care of Weldaloy Specialty Forgings