Advancing Understanding of Process Structure Property Relationships in AM II

Thursday, October 19, 2023: 8:20 AM-9:00 AM
338 (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Timothy Horn, North Carolina State University
8:20 AM
Cryogenic response of laser powder bed fusion manufactured A20X Al-Cu alloy
Mr. Satish Kumar Tumulu, McGill University; Dr. Pierre Hudon, Mcgill University; Prof. Mathieu Brochu, McGill University
8:40 AM
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a closed impeller fabricated via LPBF employing a supportless printing approach
Mr. Amit Kumar, McGill University; Mr. Mohammad Attarian Shandiz, McGill University; Prof. Mathieu Brochu, McGill University; Mr. Satish Kumar Tumulu, McGill University
See more of: Additive Manufacturing