Microstructural Characterization II

Wednesday, October 2, 2024: 8:20 AM-10:00 AM
26 A (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Virginia Osterman, FASM, Solar Atmospheres, Dr. Michael E Keeble, Buehler, a Division of ITW and Laura Moyer, Lehigh University
8:20 AM
Cementite Grain Boundary Walls Influence Yielding and Fracture of Steel and Iron
Dr. Thomas Altshuler, D.Phil., Northeastern University
8:40 AM
The Microstructure of Historic As-Cast Fe Alloys
Mr. George Vander Voort, Vander Voort Consulting
9:00 AM
9:20 AM
Influence of δ phase intergranular precipitation on the embrittlement phenomenon in alloy 718.
Prof. Luiz H. de Almeida, D.Sc., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Dr. Amanda V. Varela, D.Sc., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Dr. Taissa Z. L. Rodrigues, D.Sc., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Prof. Leonardo S. Araujo, D.Sc., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Dr. Flavia C. Gallo, D.Sc., University of Florida
9:40 AM
3D Widefield and Confocal Microscopy – Principles and Industrial Applications
Mr. Eric Cole, Carpenter Technology; Mr. Karch klos, Carpenter Technology