Process Structure and Properties in Additive Manufactured Metals II

Monday, September 30, 2024: 1:00 PM-2:20 PM
25 C (Huntington Convention Center)
Dr. Timothy Horn, North Carolina State University
1:00 PM
Processing-Structure-Fatigue in LPBF Ti-6Al-4V
Prof. Anthony Rollett, Carnegie Mellon University
1:40 PM
Post-Processing Effects on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-3Cr
Dr. Jessica Buckner, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Brett Roper, Sandia National Laboratories; Mr. Austin Pisani, Sandia National Laboratories; Mr. J. Herrmann, Sandia National Laboratories; Zachary Casias, Sandia National Laboratories; Mr. Stephen Spiak, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Jay Carroll, Sandia National Laboratories
2:00 PM
Laser Powder Bed Fused Al-Mg-Zr-Mn alloy: Microstructure, Mechanical and Fatigue performance
Mr. Shawkat Imam Shakil, University of Toledo; Dr. Zaynab Mahbooba, EOS North America; Dr. Ankit Saharan, EOS North America; Dr. Meysam Haghshenas, University of Toledo
See more of: Additive Manufacturing