Residual Stress II

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
25 B (Huntington Convention Center)
Mr. Rajan Bhambroo, Tenneco Inc.
10:30 AM
Densification of iSLS surface layers by means of shot peening
Mrs. Izabel L. Criscuolo, Aeronautics Institute of Technology; Mr. Felipe de Sa Carneiro, Aeronautics Institute of Technology; Prof. Ronnie R. Rego, Aeronautics Institute of Technology
10:50 AM
Quantifying the mass reduction enabled by an optimized residual stress state for components subjected to torsional fatigue
Mr. Caio F. S. Gomes, Aeronautics Institute of Technology; Mr. André L. R. D'Oliveira, Eigendauer; Mr. João P. Vieira, Aeronautics Institute of Technology; Prof. Ronnie R. Rego, Aeronautics Institute of Technology
11:10 AM
Residual Stress Measurement for the Aluminum Cold Spraying Application
Dr. Seung-Yub Lee, Pratt & Whitney; Dr. Matthew Siopis, Pratt & Whitney; Dr. Sonia Aixa Martinez, Pratt & Whitney
See more of: Residual Stress