PSDK XIX: J Willard Gibbs Equilibria Award Session Honoring Bo Sundman III (Continued)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024: 10:30 AM-11:50 AM
19 (Huntington Convention Center)
Ms. Ursula Kattner, NIST and Dr. Aurelien Perron, Laurence Livermore National Laboratory
10:30 AM
3rd generation Calphad – review and future
Dr. Zhangting He, Swerim AB; Prof. Malin Selleby, KTH Royal institute of Technology
11:10 AM
CALPHAD: From Building Block of Alloy Design to Physics Guided Models
Dr. Liangyan Hao, Thermo-Calc Software Inc; Dr. Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh; Mr. Reza Naraghi, Thermo-Calc Software AB; Mr. Paul Mason, Thermo-Calc Software Inc.