Technology Specific and Featured Topics III

Thursday, October 31, 2024: 3:45 PM-4:45 PM
204 (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Dr. Jason Holm, National Institute of Standards and Technology and Dr. William Hubbard, PhD, NanoElectronic Imaging, Inc.
3:45 PM
Atom probe tomography for semiconductor applications: a tutorial
Dr. Katherine P. Rice, Cameca, Inc.; Mr. Robert M. Ulfig, Cameca, Inc.; Dr. Yimeng Chen, EAG Eurofins; Ms. Isabelle Martin, Cameca, Inc.; Dr. Ty.J. Prosa, Cameca, Inc.; Mr. David A. Reinhard, Cameca, Inc.; Dr. David J. Larson, Cameca, Inc.
See more of: Tutorial