International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Reduction of Oxide Content in Plasma Sprayed Coating

Reduction of Oxide Content in Plasma Sprayed Coating

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Virginia City III (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Prof. Qi Wei , Beijing University of Technology, China, Beijing, China
L.W. Zhang , Beijing University of Technology, China, Beijing, China
H. Li , Beijing University of Technology, China, Beijing, China
In atmospheric spraying process, the oxidation of the particle and the coating have important influence on coating’s performance, it is therefore of great significance to study the oxidation behavior of the sprayed particle and the coating, as well as the way to reduce the oxide. This work firstly investigates the oxidation behavior of the plasma sprayed iron particle. Fe coating and MCrAlY coating prepared by plasma spraying with a gas shroud was studied. The results show a significant decrease of oxide content in gas shroud spayed particle as well as the coating. MCrAlY coating prepared by gas shroud spraying presents a better resistance to high-temperature oxidation and thermal corrosion.
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