International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Posters


Tuesday, May 5, 2009: 12:00 PM-5:00 PM
Virginia City III (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Session Chair:
Dr. Joachim Heberlein
Research on Plasma Sprayed High Crystallinity Degree Hydroxyapatite Powder for Biological Coating
Mr. Li Zhenduo, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy
Effect of High Temperature Calcination on the Phase Composition of Nanostructured and Conventional Zirconia Thermal Barrier Coatings
Mr. Xian-Liang Jiang, Central South University; Chun-bo Liu, Central South University; Lian-sheng Yu, Central South University
Wear and Corrosion Behaviour of HVOF-Sprayed WC-CoCr Coatings on Al Alloys
Dr. Giovanni Bolelli, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Dr. Luca Lusvarghi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; Dr. Massimiliano Barletta, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Studies on the Sliding Wear Performance of Plasma Spray Ni-20Cr and Ni3Al Coatings
Mrs. Maninder Kaur, BBSB Engineering College; Harpreet Singh Saheet, BBSB Engineering College; Balraj Singh, BBSB Engineering College; Mr. Bhupinder Singh, Multi Tech Tower Pvt Limted
Effects of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Plasma Pray 316L Coatings
Bo-Han Tian, Dalian Maritime University; Lei Chang, Dalian Maritime University; Wei-li Qu, Dalian Maritime University; Prof. Gao Yang, Dalian Maritime University
Studies on the Role of Cold Spray Ni-20Cr and Ni-50Cr Coatings to Reduce Wear of T-22 and SA-516 Steels
Mr. Ankush Kohli, DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology; Dr. Harpreet Singh, BBSB Engineering College; Jasbir Singh, BBSB Engineering College
Reduction of Oxide Content in Plasma Sprayed Coating
Prof. Qi Wei, Beijing University of Technology, China; L.W. Zhang, Beijing University of Technology, China; H. Li, Beijing University of Technology, China
Low Cost HVAF for Thermal Spraying of WC-Co
Prof. Igor Gorlach, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
Can the Sulzer Mectco DJ Air-Cooled HVOF Thermal Spray Be Used to Produce Bio Ceramics HA Coatings?
Mr. Shahriar Hasan, Dublin City university; Dr Joseph Stokes, Dublin City university
Particle Image Velocimetry Diagnostics for Suspension Plasma Spraying
Mr. Olivier Marchand, UTBM; Dr. Ghislaine Bertrand, UTBM; Dr. Marie-Pierre Planche, UTBM; Prof. Yannick Bailly, FEMTO-ST/ CREST; Mr. Laurent Girardot, FEMTO-ST/ CREST
Heat Flux Controls by in Situ Laser Treatment on Thermal Sprayed Wc-Co Coatings
Mr. Yoann danlos, UTBM; Dr. Sophie Costil, UTBM; H liao, UTBM; C coddet, UTBM
Modeling Aspects of High Velocity Impact of Particles in Cold Spraying by Explicit Finite Element Analysis
Dr. Wen-Ya Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University,; Prof. Chang-Jiu Li, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Mr. Prof. Hanlin Liao, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard
Optimized Arc Wire Sprayed Fiber Prepregs for Advanced Manufacturing of Metal Matrix Composites (MMC)
Mr. Martin Silber, Universität Stuttgart; Rainer Gadow, Universität Stuttgart
Characterization of Boron Carbide Thermal Sprayed Coatings for High Wear Resistance Performance
Mr. Marcio Rosales, Ogramac Metallization and Surface Engineering; Mr. Flavio Camargo, Ogramac Metallization and Surface Engineering; Prof. Carlos R. C. Lima, UNIMEP Methodist University of Piracicaba
Laser Spraying of Fe-Based Amorphous Alloy Powders
Dr. Soon Young Hwang, RIST; Dr. Sun Hong Park, RIST
Axial Plasma Spraying Slurry Coatings for Various Emerging Applications
Dr. Zhaolin Tang, Northwest Mettech Corp.; Alan Burgess, Northwest Mettech Corp.
Microstructure and Wear Resistance of TiB2-Fe Matrix Coating Deposited by Atmosphere Plasma Spray
Dr. Hanchi Cheng, School of material science and engineering, Beijing university of technology; Prof. Zhuoxin Li, School of material science and engineering, Beijing university of technology
Splat-Substrate Interactions in Plasma Sprayed Ni-Cr Powders on Polished Metal Substrates
Ms. Sophie Brossard, The University of New South Wales; Ms. Anh Tran, The University of Auckland; Prof. Paul Munroe, The University of New South Wales; Prof. Margaret M. Hyland, The University of Auckland
The Influence of Spray Conditions on Deposition Characteristics of Aluminum Coatings in Cold Spraying
Mr. Ren-Zhong Huang, Plasma Giken Co. Ltd.; Mr. Hirotaka Fukanuma, Plasma Giken Co. Ltd.
A Case Study of Arc-Spray Tooling Process for Production of Sheet Metal Forming Dies
Dr. Byeong-Geun Seong, RIST; Dr. Jin-Hong Kim, RIST; Dr. Jee-Hoon Ahn, RIST; Prof. Kyeong Ho Baik, Chungnam National University
The Influence of Spray Parameters on the Characteristics of Al2O3 Particle and the Coating Sprayed by the Detonation Spray
Dr. Bo Sun, Plasma Giken Kogyo co., ltd; Mr. Hirotaka Fukanuma, Plasma Giken Kogyo co., ltd; Mr. Naoyuki Ohno, Plasma Giken kogyo co., ltd
The Development of High Temperature Gas Heater in the Cold Spray Coating System
Mr. Hirotaka Fukanuma, Plasma Giken Co. Ltd.; Renzhong Huang, Plasma Giken Co. Ltd.
Characterization of in-Situ Synthesized WC-Co Powder and Its HVOF Sprayed Coating
Dr. Hui Li, Beijing University of Technology, China
Study of Ceramic Coatings as a Novel Optical Imaging Tracking Material Using Plasma Spray
Mr. Wu-Han Liao, Industrial Technology Research Institute; Wei-Tien Hsiao, Industrial Technology Research Institute; Prof. Fuh-Sheng Shieu, National Chung Hsing University; Prof. Cherng-Yuh Su, National Taipei University of Technology; Dr. Ming Sheng Leu, Industrial Technology Research Institute
The Bonding Mechanism of WC-12Co Coatings Prepared by Supersonic Plasma Spraying
Mr. Hui Yang, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology; S.M. pan, Xi'an Hi-Tech Research Institute
Coatings Structure of Nano-Zirconia Elaborated by Plasma Spray Sol Process
Mr. Hui Yang, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology; L.z. Chen, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology
Gas-Abrasive Resistance of Arc Sprayed Dispersion-Hardened Coatings Obtained from Iron-Based Cored Wires
Dr. Hanna Pokhmurska, TU Chemnitz; Prof. Bernhard Wielage, TU Chemnitz; Thomas Grund, TU Chemnitz; Stefan Schuberth, TU Chemnitz; Prof. Vasyl Pokhmurskii, G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute; Dr. Mykhajlo Student, G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute
Influence of Improved Plasma Gun on the Particle in-Flight Properties
Mr. Hui Yang, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology; G. Li, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology; L. wang, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology
Comparison of in-Flight Particle Properties, Splat Formation, and Coating Microstructure for Regular and Nano-YSZ Powders
Mr. Ashraf Elsebaei, University of Minnesota; Dr. Joachim V. R. Heberlein, University of Minnesota; Mohamed A. Elshaer, Zagazig University
Gas-Abrasive Resistance of Arc Sprayed Dispersion-Hardened Coatings Obtained from Iron-Based Cored Wires
Dr. Hanna Pokhmurska, TU Chemnitz; Bernhardt Wielage, TU Chemnitz; Thomas Graund, TU Chemnitz; Stefan Schuberth, TU Chemnitz; Dr. M. Student, G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute; Prof. V. Pokhmurskii, G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute
Deposition Behavior of Copper Particle Onto Flat Substrate Surface in Cold Spraying
Prof. Masahiro Fukumoto, Toyohashi University of Technology; Masahiro Mashiko, Toyohashi University of Technology; Motohiro Yamada, Toyohashi University of Technology; Eiji Yamaguchi, Sintobrator, Ltd.
Mechanical Properties Influence on the Tribological Behavior of Flame Spraying Al2O3-TiO2 and WC-NiFeCr Coatings
Mr. Andres González, University of Antioquia; Fabio Vargas, University of Antioquia; Maria Esperanza López, University of Antioquia; Alejandro Toro, National University of Colombia
Effect of Water Vapor on EBCs Which Have Top Coat Various Bonded and Free Silicates
Mr. Garip ERDOGAN, Sakarya University; Fatih USTEL, Sakarya University; Salih E. YILDIRIM, Sakarya University
An Overview on Erosion of Hydraulic Turbine Materials and Thermal Spray Erosion Resistant Coatings
Mr. sanjeev bhandari, baba banda singh bahadur engineering college; Dr. Harpreet Singh, BBSB Engineering College; Dr. Harmesh Kumar Kansal, Sant Longowal Insitute of Engineering & Technology
Improvement of Impact Resistance of WC-Cr3C2-Ni Based Coatings by Means of Hardness Control of Undercoat
Dr. Junya Kitamura, Fujimi Incorporated; Mr. Satoru Osawa, Fujimi Incorporated; Mr. Hiroyuki Ibe, Fujimi Incorporated; Mr. Hiroaki Mizuno, Fujimi Incorporated; Mr. Satoshi Tawada, Fujimi Incorporated
Testing Method of Spalling Resistance for Thermal Barrier Coating by Thermal Cycle and Thermal Shock
Dr. Satoru takahashi, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Prof. Masayuki Yoshiba, Tokyo Metropolitan University; Dr. Yoshio Harada, Tocalo Co., Ltd.; Dr. Yoshiyasu Itoh, Toshiba Corporation; Dr. Yoshitaka Kojima, Hitachi, Ltd; Fumio Ono, Osaka Science & Technology Center
Thermally Sprayed Amorphous and Nanostructured Iron-Based Coatings with Particle Reinforcement
Prof. Bernhard Wielage, Chemnitz University of Technology; Dr. Hanna Pokhmurska, Chemnitz University of technology; Mr. Christian Rupprecht, TU Chemnitz; Dr. Thomas Lampke, Chemnitz University of technology
Development of Nanostructured Iron Based Alloys with Improved Corrosion Resistance for Thermal Spray Applications
Prof. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach, Leibniz University Hanover; Dr. Kai Moehwald, Leibniz University Hanover; Mr. Tim Bause, Leibniz University Hanover; Mr. André Langohr, Leibniz University Hanover
Plasma-Sprayed TiN Coatings in a Reactive Nitrogen Atmosphere with Pure Titanium Wire
Mr. Hui Yang, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology; H.-L Chen, Xi'an Research Institute of High Technology
Heat Transfer Modeling of An F4 Plasma Gun
Mr. Ronald J. Molz, Sulzer Metco; Eliot Cotler, Sulzer Metco; Mr. Felix Muggli, Sulzer Innotec; Mr. Reto Waeger, Sulzer Innotec
Atmospheric Plasma Spraying (APS) Low-Temperature Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs)
Mr. Jeffrey Harris, University of Toronto; Olivera Kesler, University of Toronto
Cold Spray Multilayer Composite Coatings for Iron and Steel Castings
Mr. Evgeny Leshchinsky, University of Windsor; Roman Gr. Maev, University of Windsor; Volf Leshchynsky, University of Windsor
Structure Formation of Low Pressure Cold Spray Coatings: A Powder Shock Consolidation Process Simulation
Mr. Wesley Arthur, University of Windsor; Roman Gr. Maev, University of Windsor; Volf Leshchynsky, University of Windsor
Novel near Nano-Scale Overlays for High Wear Applications
Dr. D.J. Branagan, The NanoSteel Company; Dr. B.E. Meacham, The NanoSteel Company; Dr. A.V. Sergueeva, The NanoSteel Company
Development of Electrolytes for SOFC by HFPD Detonation Spraying
Mr. I. Fagoaga, Inasmet; M. Parco, Inasmet; G. Barykin, Inasmet; C. Vaquero, Inasmet
Deposition of Alloyed HCP Metals through Kinetic Spray Process
Dr. S. Kumar, Hanyang University; Gyuyeol Bae, Hanyang University; Hyuntaek Na, Hanyang University; Changhee Lee, Hanyang University
The Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Kinetic Sprayed Carbon Nanotube Aluminum Composite Coating
Mr. Kicheol Kang, Hanyang University; Yuming Xiong, Hanyang University; Changhee Lee, Hanyang University
Deposition Characteristics of Diamond Enhanced by Plastically Deformed Nickel Layer in Kinetic Sprayed Bronze/Diamond Composite Coating
Mr. Hyuntaek Na, Hanyang University; Gyuyeol Bae, Hanyang University; Sanghoon Yoon, Hanyang University; Hyungjun Kim, RIST; Changhee Lee, Hanyang University
Development of Kinetic Sprayed Coatings for the Application of Die Soldering Resistance
Mr. Faisal Farooq Khan, Hanyang University; Gyuyeol Bae, Hanyang University; Kicheol Kang, Hanyang University; Changhee Lee, Hanyang University
The Effect of Crystallinity and Microstructure on Corrosion Resistance of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Cu-based Bulk Metallic Glass Coating
Mr. Junghwan Kim, Hanyang University; S. Kumar, Hanyang University; Sanghoon Yoon, Hanyang University; Changhee Lee, Hanyang University
Influence of Plasma Parameters on the Corrosion Resistance and Microstructure of WC-10%Co Coatings
Prof. Linda E. Gil, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); Prof. Maria Rodriquez, Universidad Central de Venezuela; Mr. Raymundo Noriega, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); Prof. Mariana H. Staia, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Corrosion Resistance of Post Heat Treated HVOF Coatings Based on Cermet-Ni Based Alloys Mixture
Prof. Linda E. Gil, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); Prof. Maria Rodriquez, Universidad Central de Venezuela; Sugehis Liscano, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); Mariana H. Staia, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Interfacial Indentation to Determine the Adhesion of WC-Co-NiCr Thermal Spray Coatings
Prof. María Rodríguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela; Dr. Alberto Pertuz, Universidad Central de Venezuela; P. Costa, Universidad Central de Venezuela; U. Bisi, Universidad Central de Venezuela; Prof. Linda E. Gil, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO)
Mechanical and Tribological Performance of PEEK Coating Deposited by Flame Spraying-Laser Remelting Hybrid Process
Prof. Hanlin Liao, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard; Chao Zhang, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard; Sophe Costil, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard; Christain Coddet, University of Technology Belfort-Montbeliard; Chang-Jiu Li, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University
Antibacterial Property and Biocompatibility of Plasma Sprayed Hydroxyapatite / Silver Composite Coatings
Prof. Xuebin Zheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics; Yikai Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics; Youtao Xie, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics; Heng Ji, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics; Liping Huang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics; Chuanxian Ding, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics
Study on the Application of Electric Arc Sprayed Duplex Coatings CrNi - Al for Anticorrosion Protection of Carbon Steel in Aqueous Acid Media
Dr. Le Thu Quy, Institute for Tropical Technology - Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology
Study on the High Temperature Resistance of An Arc-Sprayed Chrome-Nickel Coating
Dr. Le Thu Quy, Institute for Tropical Technology - Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology; Cuong Ly Quoc, Institute for Tropical Technology - Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology
Microstructure and Thermal Cycling Behaviour of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings with High Segmentation Crack Densities
Mr. Matthias Karger, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH; Dr. Robert Vaßen, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH; Prof. Detlev Stöver, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Sliding and Abrasive Wear Behavior of Mo-Ni Plasma Sprayed Coatings
Prof. Maria Rodriguez, Universidad Central de Venezuela; D. Da Silva, Universidad Central de Venezuela; R. Hoyer, Universidad Central de Venezuela; Prof. Linda E. Gil, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO)
Microstructure and Properties of Mg-Cu Amorphous Powders Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying
Dr. F. X. Ye, Tianjin University; X. Yang, Tianjin University; H.-J. Meng, Tianjin University
Thermomechanical Evaluation and Thermal Expansion Behavior of Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings
Dr. Kenta Takagi, Tohoku university; Mr. Daisuke Kudo, Tohoku university; Prof. Akira Kawasaki, Tohoku university; Dr. Yoshio Harada, Tocalo Co., Ltd.; Masakazu Okazaki, Nagaoka University of Technology
a Study of Oxidation Kinetics of NiCoCrAlYTa Coating on Ni-Based Single Crystal Super-Alloy
Dr. Xing hua LIANG, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals; Ke song ZHOU, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals; Min LIU, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals; rui Jiang HONG, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals; Chang guang DENG, Guangzhou Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals
Microstructural Characterization and Correlation with Mechanical Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Zirconia Coatings
Prof. Sugehis Liscano, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); L. E. Gil, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); O. A. León, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO); M. J. Martínez, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica (UNEXPO)
Industrial Applications for Polymers with Release Properties in Combination with Thermal Spray Coatings
Mr. Joseph M. McCook, American Roller Company; Mr. Bruce Hyllberg, American Roller Company
Reproducibility Assessment of Plasma Spraying through Elastic Behavior Analysis of YSZ Coatings
Mr. Gopal Dwivedi, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook; Dr. Alfredo G. Valarezo, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook; Mr. Jose Colmenares, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook; Prof. Sanjay Sampath, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook; Prof. Toshio Nakamura, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Percolation Study in Thermally Sprayed Al2O3-Ni Reinforced Composites
Mr. Eduardo J. Mari, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook; Shanshan Liang, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook; Sanjay Sampath, S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook
Induction Plasma Synthesis of Dense Oxide Ion Layers for Reverse Combustion in the Anhydrous Molten Salt Na–B-O-H System
Daniel Calabretta, Université de Sherbrooke; Prof. Francois Gitzhofer, Université de Sherbrooke; Prof. Boyd Davis, Queens University
Nano-Intermetallic Powders Produced by Induction Plasma Synthesis
Ms. Isabelle Bolduc, Université de Sherbrooke; Prof. Francois Gitzhofer, Université de Sherbrooke; Prof. Pierre Proulx, Université de Sherbrooke
Characterization of metallic powders atomized using a De Laval nozzle
Dr. O. Khatim , LERMPS – UTBM; Marie-Pierre Planche, LERMPS – UTBM; Lucas Dembinski, LERMPS – UTBM; Christian Coddet, LERMPS – UTBM
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