International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Microstructure and Wear Resistance of TiB2-Fe Matrix Coating Deposited by Atmosphere Plasma Spray

Microstructure and Wear Resistance of TiB2-Fe Matrix Coating Deposited by Atmosphere Plasma Spray

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Virginia City III (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Dr. Hanchi Cheng , School of material science and engineering, Beijing university of technology, /beijing, China
Prof. Zhuoxin Li , School of material science and engineering, Beijing university of technology, Beijing, China
TiB2-316L matrix composite powders containing 40, 50, 60,75, 85mass% TiB2 were prepared by ball milling, spray-drying and sintering processes and the corresponding coatings were deposited by atmosphere plasma spraying as well as 316L stainless steel coating. The influence of TiB2 content of feedstock powders on microstructure and wear resistance of as-sprayed coatings were investigated. SEM, XRD and microhardness tester were employed to character the coatings. The sliding wear resistance of the coatings was evaluated by block-on-ring tests. Results show that TiB2 particles which remain undeformed shape in the coatings distribute in metal matrix; wear resistance of the coatings increases with the TiB2 content when it is less than 75%, due to TiB2 dispersedly reinforcing metal matrix; while high level content of TiB2 weaken wear resistance of the coatings resulting from the TiB2 particles agglomerating.
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