International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): The Influence of Spray Parameters on the Characteristics of Al2O3 Particle and the Coating Sprayed by the Detonation Spray

The Influence of Spray Parameters on the Characteristics of Al2O3 Particle and the Coating Sprayed by the Detonation Spray

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Virginia City III (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Dr. Bo Sun , Plasma Giken Kogyo co., ltd, Saitama, Japan
Mr. Hirotaka Fukanuma , Plasma Giken Kogyo co., ltd, Saitama, Japan
Mr. Naoyuki Ohno , Plasma Giken kogyo co., ltd, Saitama, Japan
The temperature and velocity of Al203 particles sprayed by the HFPD (High Frequency Pulse Detonation) were measured using the DPV2000 system. The influence of the gas flow rate, spray distance and the length of nozzle on the particle velocity and temperature were investigated. The microstructure of the coatings was observed by optical microscope and SEM (scanning electron microscope). The experiment results show that the particle velocity was influenced by the mixture ration of the gas flow and reached the velocity of 600~800m/s. While the particle temperature influenced by the gas flow rate and ranged in 2000~ 2200℃. The particle velocity and temperature gives significant influence on the deposition efficiency and it reach the maximum of 60%.
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