International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2009 (May 4-7, 2009): Development of Electrolytes for SOFC by HFPD Detonation Spraying

Development of Electrolytes for SOFC by HFPD Detonation Spraying

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Virginia City III (Flamingo Las Vegas Hotel)
Mr. I. Fagoaga , Inasmet, San Sebastian, Spain
M. Parco , Inasmet, San Sebastian, Spain
G. Barykin , Inasmet, San Sebastian, Spain
C. Vaquero , Inasmet, San Sebastian, Spain
Ceramic electrolytes for SOFC application have been developed by high frequency pulse detonation spray technology.  The produced coatings after the optimized development process are very dense, gas tight even with low thickness . These electrolytes have been applied to produce experimental disk shaped SOFC cells on planar metallic substrates (porous CrFeAPU22) with a plasma sprayed anode of NiO-YSZ. The cathode used has been wet deposited LSCF. The cells have been evaluated under H2 atmosphere at 800ºC and their performance characterized by electroionic standard testing. Further industrial prototypes (110x110 mm) for stack integration has been developed using the data resulting from the previous development.
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