As compared to normal thermal spray processes, cold spraying or kinetic spraying exposes the feedstock powder only to moderate temperatures below the melting point of the respective material. Thus, phase transformations are usually prevented by the sluggish kinetics. However, the situation could become different for alloys that allow composition invariant, polymorphous transformations.
By the high quench rate during inert gas atomization, 316L and NiCoCrAlY alloys can be solidified as metastable bcc structures. Nevertheless, even for transformations from metastable to stable structures, still the nucleation barriers for creating new interphases and working against distortion stresses must be negotiated. For the transformation from a metastable bcc to the thermodynamically more stable fcc structure during cold spray spraying of 316L and NiCoCrAlY alloys, the necessary additional driving force is most prominently supplied by the pressure pulse during the solid impact, favoring the denser fcc structure. In addition, the transformation might be promoted by the better plastic deformability of the fcc phase.
In view of cold spray applications, such transformations could be of interest to reduce critical conditions for coating formation. For the example of the NiCoCrAlY alloy, high hardness and low deformability of the bcc powder would require harsher impact conditions for achieving shear instabilities and bonding, than those required for bonding of transformed fcc structures. Such concepts might be followed for cold spray powder designs to enhance bonding.