Wednesday, May 23, 2012: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Room 335 AB (Hilton Americas Houston )
Session Chairs:
Prof. Thomas Klassen
Mr. David Wright
8:00 AM
Recent Developments and Prospects in Cold Spraying
Prof. Thomas Klassen, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Dr. Frank Gärtner, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Mr. Kurt Binder, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Mrs. Kerstin-Raffaela Ernst, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Mr. Kouichiro Onizawa, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Mr. Henning Gutzmann, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Dr. Jan-Oliver Kliemann, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Prof. Hamid Assadi, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Dr. Tobias Schmidt, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Prof. Heinrich Kreye, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg
9:40 AM
Pressure Induced Bcc to Fcc Phase Transformation in Cold Spraying
Dr. Frank Gaertner, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Dr. Christine Borchers, Georg-August-University Goettingen;
Dr. Tobias Schmidt, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Dr. Thorsten Stoltenhoff, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Dr. Hamid Assadi, Tarbiat Modares University;
Dr. Heinrich Kreye, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg;
Thomas Klassen, Helmut Schmidt University, University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg